Republic of Zimbabwe

Republic of Zimbabwe

Political Economy Summary

Capital Harare
Independence 18 April 1980
Head of State & Govt H.E. Emmerson Mnangagwa
Minister of Foreign Affairs Amon Murwira
Minister of Finance Mthuli Ncube
Central Bank Governor John Mushayavanhu
Next National Elections Date 2028
Government Website
Parliament Website

Click on a thumbnail below to read the relevant PESA Editorial regarding Zimbabwe.

PESA Editorial on Zimbabwe: 1H2023/24
Zimbabwe’s economy has had a mixed recovery from the global shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022. The ...
PESA Editorial on Zimbabwe: 2H2022/23
Zimbabwe’s exports have had grown faster since the recovery from the shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The country’s total merchandise exports had a faster ...
PESA Editorial on Zimbabwe: 1H2022/23
Accurate and balanced analysis of the political economy in Zimbabwe ...
Balance of Payments and International FDI Position in Zimbabwe: FY2019/20
Zimbabwean merchandise export earnings have been growing consistently since 2016. The faster growth in export earnings has not been sufficient to improve Zimbabwe’s current account ...

Click on a thumbnail below to read the relevant PESA Regional Integration Monitor relating to Zimbabwe.

Drivers for Sustainable Industrialisation in SADC
The January 2025 issue provides an update on the current state of regional integration in SADC by evaluating the drivers for sustainable industrialisation and the ...
Facteurs moteurs d’une industrialisation durable dans la SADC
Le numéro de janvier 2025 fournit une mise à jour sur l’état actuel de l’intégration régionale dans la SADC en évaluant les moteurs d’une industrialisation ...
Motores para a Industrialização Sustentável na SADC
A edição de janeiro de 2025 fornece uma atualização sobre o estado atual da integração regional na SADC, avaliando os impulsionadores da industrialização sustentável e ...
The State of Regional Integration in SADC [EN]
The September 2023 provides an update on the current state of regional integration in SADC by evaluating the challenges, achievements, and prospects for the future ...

Click on a thumbnail below to view the latest PESA Policy Dialogues on issues relating to Zimbabwe.

Review of Zimbabwe's New Currency: Zim Gold (ZIG)
Interview discussion on the new Zimbabwean currency called Zim Gold (ZIG) which was launched on 6 April 2024. The discussion looks at how the currency ...
Political Economy Review: South Africa 2021 Riots and Looting
Interview reflecting about the regional impact of the July 2021 riots and looting in South Africa on the SADC region. The interview looks at the ...
Political Economy Review: Zimbabwe Land Reform
Interview about the recent decision by the Government of Zimbabwe to compensation white farmers who last land during the land-grabs during the early 2000s. The ...
Political Economy Review: SADC 2020
Interview about the recent firing of Zambian central bank Governor Denny Kalyalya who was replaced by Christopher Mvunga at the Bank of Zambia. Following this ...
Zimbabwe Geographic Location
Geographic Location

Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern Africa lying wholly within the tropics. The country has borders with Botswana to the southwest, Mozambique to the east, South Africa to the south, Zambia to the north, and meets Namibia at its westernmost point. It straddles an extensive high inland plateau that drops northwards to the Zambezi valley along the border with Zambia; and similarly drops southwards to the Limpopo valley and the border with South Africa.

The Zimbabwean highlands are renowned for their great natural beauty, with famous tourist destinations such as Nyanga, Troutbeck, Chimanimani, Vumba and Chirinda Forest at Mount Selinda. About 20% of the country consists of low-lying areas (the low veld) less than 900m above sea-level. Mosi-oa-Tunya (Victoria Falls), one of the world’s biggest and most spectacular waterfalls, is located in the country’s extreme northwest and is part of the Zambezi river.

Zimbabwean Cities
Zimbabwean Cities
Zimbabwean Coat Arms
Coat of Arms

The Zimbabwean coat of arms was adopted on was adopted on 21 September 1981 to replace the former Coat of arms of Rhodesia. The coat of arms depicts two Kudus on the left and right, each standing on top of an earthly mound composed of stalks of wheat, a pile of cotton, and a head of maize. At their feet there is also a ribbon with the Zimbabwean national motto: Unity, Freedom, Work.

The coat of arms has a green shield with 14 alternating waves of white and blue lines at top. The centre of the shield also depicts the ancient Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe. Behind the shield, the coat of arms also features an agricultural hoe to the left and an AK-47 assault rifle to the right. The coat of arms also has a gold and green wreath and the crest features the Zimbabwe Bird on a Red Star background.

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