Republic of Angola

Republic of Angola

Political Economy Summary

Capital Luanda
Independence 11 November 1975
Current Head of State & Govt H.E. João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço
Minister of Foreign Affairs Téte António
Minister of Finance Vera Esperança dos Santos Daves de Sousa
Central Bank Governor Manuel António Tiago Dias
Next National Elections Date 2027
Government Website
Parliament Website

Click on a thumbnail below to read the relevant PESA Editorial regarding Angola.

PESA Editorial on Angola: 1H2023/24
Angola’s economy has had a mixed recovery from the global shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022. Real ...
PESA Editorial - Angola - 2H2022_23
Angola’s exports have continued recovering from the shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The country’s total merchandise exports continued recovering from COVID-19 to USD 33.7 ...
PESA Editorial on Angola: 1H2022/23
Angola’s economy has begun recovering from the shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Real GDP growth is projected to improve from an annual average of ...
Balance of Payments and International FDI Position in Angola: FY2019/20
Angolan merchandise export earnings have been recovering from the period of low commodity prices from 2014 to 2016. The growth in exports has not supported ...

Click on a thumbnail below to read the relevant PESA Regional Integration Monitor relating to Angola.

Drivers for Sustainable Industrialisation in SADC
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) held its 44th Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government on the 17th August 2024, in Harare, ...
Facteurs moteurs d’une industrialisation durable dans la SADC
La Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC) a tenu son 44e sommet ordinaire des chefs d'État et de gouvernement le 17 août 2024 à ...
Motores para a Industrialização Sustentável na SADC
A Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC) realizou a sua 44ª Cimeira Ordinária de Chefes de Estado e de Governo em 17 de Agosto ...
SADC in the Global Year of Elections
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) held its 43rd Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government on the 17th August 2023, in Luanda, ...

Click on a thumbnail below to view the latest PESA Policy Dialogues on issues relating to Angola.

PESA e UGS Fazem Parceria para Educação Executiva e Continuada
A Universidade Gregório Semedo (UGS) e a Political Economy Southern Africa (PESA) assinaram um Acordo de Parceria para conceber, desenvolver, organizar e ministrar cursos de ...
Political Economy Review: Angola and Nigeria Post-COVID
Interview analysing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse in oil price for Angola and Nigeria. The discussion evaluates the impact on growth ...
Unpacking the Recent Drop in Oil Prices
Interview about the recent record drop in oil prices, particularly, Western Texas Intermediate which decrease below zero for the first time and how it affects ...
Political Economy Review: Angolan Public Debt
Interview reflecting on public debt sustainability in Angola and how the government can encourage economic diversification whilst maintaining sustainable public debt. The interview looks at ...

The Angolan coat of arms reflects the recent past of the new nation. There is heavy Marxist imagery found on the coat of arms, which is expanded from the national flag’s imagery.

Angolan Coat Arms

At the centre the agricultural implements represent the revolution through which independence was gained from the Portuguese and the importance of agricultural workers. The star above both emblems is often found in many socialist images. The star is taken to represent progress. The rising sun is the traditional symbol of a new beginning. These emblems are all enclosed within a circle formed by a half cog-wheel that represents the industrial workers, and a half maize and cotton leaves that represents the agriculture. Since 1990, the text on the banner was changed to read República de Angola from República Popular de Angola and the cog-wheel was changed to silver from gold.

The open book at the bottom represents education. A banner reads “Republic of Angola” at the bottom, in Portuguese. Details of the insignia are laid down in Article 163 of the Constitution of Angola.

PESA Angola

Click here to see more on the PESA Angola Office.

Angola Geographic Location
Geographic Location

Angola is located on the Atlantic Coast of Southern Africa between Namibia and the Republic of the Congo. It also is bordered by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia to the east. The country consists of a sparsely watered and somewhat sterile coastal plain extending inland for a distance varying from 50 to 160 km. Slightly inland and parallel to the coast is a belt of hills and mountains and behind those a large plateau.

Angolan Cities
Angolan Cities

PESA Team in Luanda

Ken Kalala Ndalamba

Ken is a Senior Analyst at PESA.

Nevanda José

Nevanda is a Graduate Analyst at PESA.

Nelma Manuel

Nelma is a Graduate Analyst at PESA.

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