Political Economy Review: Impact of COVID-19 on African Economies

Listen to the full podcast of the webinar below.


Daraja Press Webinar: Riaz Tayob

Wednesday, 13 May 2017

A webinar by Riaz Tayob an International Trade and Finance expert and friend of PESA. The webinar was hosted by Firoze Manji from Daraja Press which is a not-for-profit publisher that seeks contribute to reclaiming the past, contesting the present and inventing the future. The discussion highlights the need for African countries to develop their own local vaccine production capabilities and provides a critical analysis of the role played by the Gates Foundation and the World Health Organisation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The engagement concludes with the following strategies for African countries in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. Securing solidarity-based bilateral and multilateral resource streams;
  2. Using existing Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) flexibilities for compulsory licencing;
  3. Enabling open innovation and sharing of intellectual property; and
  4. Enabling open manufacturing and distributed production.


Daraja Press

Daraja Press is a not-for-profit publisher that seeks contribute to reclaiming the past, contesting the present and inventing the future. Daraja is the KiSwahili word for ‘bridge’. As its name suggests, Daraja Press seeks to build bridges, specifically, bridges of solidarity between movements. Daraja Press aims to build upon and further develop interconnections between struggles through which efforts that can be undertaken to support and link emancipatory struggles of the oppressed and exploited.

Daraja Press publishes books, e-books, pamphlets, campaign materials, video and audio content.

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