Political Economy Review: South African 2019 MTBPS


SABC News: #MarketSense

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Analysis of the 2019 South African Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) and its possible impact on fiscal sustainability and economic development. The interview assesses whether the Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s policy pronouncements will be sufficient to resolve the domestic development challenges and resuscitate business or investor confidence. The interview also discusses the specific recommendations made by the Minister with regards to fiscal sustainability and reforms in government and state-owned enterprises, including the partial privatisation of Eskom and reductions to the public sector wage bill. The discussion also evaluates whether the MTBPS policy pronouncements will be successfully implemented and whether the outcomes will not undermined by unexpected consequences.

Siyaduma Biniza

Siya is the Executive Director at PESA.

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