PESA Serge Hadisi

Serge Basingene Hadisi

Serge is a Senior Analyst at PESA. He joined the PESA team in 2017 and has helped the organisation become the premier resource for political economy analysis, regional integration and policy dialogues in SADC.

As a Senior Analyst, Serge focuses on providing accessible research and analysis contributing policy solutions to promote SADC regional integration and sustainable development in Africa. He also represents PESA in Policy Dialogues across SADC. A champion of PESA’s vision, Serge has co-authored a number of publications and his expertise is focused on Manufacturing and Trade and the Francophone African countries. He has an insightful understanding of regional integration, and public policy.

Serge is an Economist with extensive research and publications on sustainable economic development focusing on social development in sub-Saharan Africa. He also specialises in cross-disciplinary analysis on economic growth, unemployment, poverty and inequality. His research interests are in economic growth, development economics, human development, sustainable development, and political economy analysis. Serge believes that deeper regional integration is integration for sustainable economic development in the SADC region.

Serge’s work has been supported through extensive training such as the African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE) by the South African Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, and the UCT Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Summer School. Serge received his B.Com. (Hon.) in Business Administration and Economic Sciences from Université Protestante au Congo and his M.A. in Economics from Rhodes University.

Climate Change and Adaptation in SADC

Climate Change and Adaptation in SADC

The April 2020 issue focuses on assessing the impact of climate change and evaluating the effectiveness of regional systems and national responses to the crisis in SADC – What is ...
Trade and Regional Integration in SADC

Trade and Regional Integration in SADC

The November 2019 issue focuses on providing an overview of trade performance in SADC – What are the levels of intra-regional trade in SADC? What are the main goods traded ...
Youth Unemployment and Empowerment in SADC

Youth Unemployment and Empowerment in SADC

The July 2019 issue focuses on providing an overview of youth empowerment in SADC - What is the current state of youth unemployment and youth development in SADC? How do ...
Public Debt and Government Finances in SADC

Public Debt and Government Finances in SADC

The April 2019 issue focuses on providing an overview of public debt in SADC and what needs to be done to retain debt sustainability in the future - Why do ...
Political Conflict and Development in SADC

Political Conflict and Development in SADC

The January 2019 issue focuses on the history of conflict and political instability in SADC, and its impact on economic growth and development - What is the overall history of political ...
Impacts of Africa-Sino Relations on Development in SADC

Impacts of Africa-Sino Relations on Development in SADC

The September 2018 issue focuses on evaluating Africa-Sino relations and its impact on African development - What is the relationship between SADC countries and China? what is China's foreign policy towards ...
Land Reform and Rural Transformation in SADC

Land Reform and Rural Transformation in SADC

The May 2018 issue focuses on the different approaches to African land reform and rural transformation - What are the different approaches to land governance and land reform in SADC? what are ...
Impacts of Political Uncertainty on Growth in SADC

Impacts of Political Uncertainty on Growth in SADC

The September 2017 issue focuses on political uncertainty and its impact on economic growth in the SADC region – What is the current political economy context in SADC? what is ...
Serge has also published some work through conference presentations and in peer-reviewed journals. See some of his most recent works below:

  • Hadisi, S. & Snowball, J. 2017. ‘Employment in the Cultural and Creative Industries in South Africa’, South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 84, Issue 4. Available At:
  • Hadisi, S. & Fryer, D. 2016. Extractive Industries Versus Human Development? Towards Sustainable Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, TIPS: Pretoria. Available At:

PESA Board of Directors

Siyaduma Biniza

Siya is the Executive Director at PESA.

Sinethemba Ntezo

Sine Ntezo, CA (SA) is the Financial Director at PESA.

Hildabertha Kundu

Hilda Kundu is the Non-Executive Director: Global Partnerships at PESA.

Michelle Livie

Michelle Livie is the Non-Executive Director: Development at PESA.

Zukiswa Mqolomba

Zuki Mqolomba is the Non-Executive Director: National Partnerships at PESA.

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